Markets Update – Over the Guardrail?

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Read/Watch Time: 45 minutes and loaded

I ran a half marathon in Lake Tahoe many moons ago. It was beautiful. We ran 6 miles uphill and 7 miles downhill. The downhill portion was a road that was winding and treacherous… and it didn’t have guardrails. Steep cliffs; Thousands of feet up; Slightly icy conditions; Ooops is not a word we wanted to hear.

Guardrails are mostly an illusion. If you hit one hard enough, you’re going over the edge. Most guardrails are effective at mild collisions. I count on this in investing.

When I draw trend lines, they look like guardrails. I expect these rails to keep prices inside their phantom corridors. It’s kind of like using bumpers when bowling. The bowling ball can still jump the lanes.

Why are they somewhat effective when they are really just lines drawn on a chart? Because other traders use them too.

The markets seem to have hit my guardrails and passed through. Ruh Roh!

The video covers the guardrails and the usual markets like Gold, Oil, S&P500, Crypto, Russell 2000, Interest rates, Bonds, the VIX, and others.

There are 2 nuggets near the end.

Please feel free to teach this to your family and friends. We appreciate all referrals.

Here is the link to the video:


Bo – Chief Squiggler

Help Yourself. Help Others.


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Markets Update – Over the Guardrail?
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