Markets Update – Ball Under Water

Visibility: Public

Read/Watch Time: 45 minutes including nuggets

Thanks for tuning in. While you watch the vid, find the Ball Under Water.

When I can see the direction of price and can define my risk, I can trade.

Do I need to believe the narratives on social or news media? Do I need to know the fundamentals or Macro Economics? No.

Can some of these things help me? Yes… but be careful. Do you remember our discussion about Confirmation Bias?

What I believe to be happening and what the truth is may be two different things.

What if I’m Bearish but the prices are going up? What do I do with that? Follow price… and maybe have a very disciplined exit strategy.

Example: I believe that Nuclear Power is the solution to clean inexpensive energy. This helps me to keep Uranium ($URA) and Uranium Miners ($URNM) on my watch list. It doesn’t mean that I should own them when they are declining. Follow price.

Helpful notes: Fed Watch (interest rates) is Wednesday at 2:00. Options Expiration for June is Friday (3rd Friday of month). This could create increased volatility.

Here is the video link:

Please feel free to teach this to your family and friends. We appreciate the referrals (and it’s still free).


Bo – Chief Squiggler

Help Yourself. Help Others.


This communication is not a recommendation to buy or sell any security.  It is not to be considered financial or investment advice.  This is an educational and training tool only.  If a specific security is mentioned, it is for illustrative and hypothetical purposes.  You must use your own knowledge to determine what to trade, how much to trade and when to buy or sell.  Investing and Trading involves risk, and you can and will lose money.  Past performance is no indication of future results.  You should practice with fake/virtual money (paper trading) before risking real money.  All communications and videos are for members only and are not to be shared.  Consider all content copyrighted.

Markets Update – Ball Under Water
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