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Read/Watch Time: 48 minutes (yep – nuggets near the end)
Is it time to nibble or dip my toes in the water?
I like to follow the price action in the market. Price knows everything.
Do I need to know why the price is moving a certain direction? Nope. I study the markets and the macro economy. I develop a narrative about the markets but the markets can often go the opposite direction to the narrative in my head. Price is king.
Today’s video shows that there are some things that are looking “nibble” worthy. Maybe I’ll take a small bite with a tight exit strategy. Maybe I’ll wait for more confirmation.
Either way… what I think will happen means nothing to what is actually happening.
I don’t give investment advice on this site. However, I will highly suggest that you will generate better results (and probably sleep better) when you trade in the direction of the larger trend.
This video reviews our normal market suspects like oil, gold, interest rates, bonds, S&P500, Nas100, Russell2000, Bitcoin, the VIX and others. Plus, we hit on some country and sector possibilities.
We also visited the site for some inflation info.
Please feel free to teach this to your family and friends. We appreciate the referrals.
Here’s the video link:
Bo – Chief Squiggler
Help Yourself. Help Others.
This communication is not a recommendation to buy or sell any security. It is not to be considered financial or investment advice. This is an educational and training tool only. If a specific security is mentioned, it is for illustrative and hypothetical purposes. You must use your own knowledge to determine what to trade, how much to trade and when to buy or sell. Investing and Trading involves risk and you can and will lose money. Past performance is no indication of future results. You should practice with fake/virtual money (paper trading) before risking real money. All communications and videos are for members only and are not to be shared. Consider all content copyrighted.